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Boston Grid Modernization Report

Opportunities To Support Electrification, Decarbonization, and Resilience In 2023, the GRC hosted a series of Boston Grid Modernization meetings moderated by Janet Gail Besser and Dr. Jonathan Raab to identify how key actors – including Eversource and other utilities, the City of Boston, and large energy users – can work together to advance electrification, decarbonization,

MassCEC Report: Powering the Future – A Massachusetts Clean Energy Workforce Needs Assessment 

This report from the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC) provides a comprehensive analysis of the clean energy workforce needed to meet the state’s 2030 greenhouse gas reduction targets, seen through regional, occupational, and equity lenses. Access Report Page: Massachusetts Clean Energy Workforce Needs Assessment | MassCEC

Wharf District Council: Climate Resiliency Plan

The Wharf District Council Climate Resiliency Task Force (CRTF) brings together the private and public sectors to create a conceptual Wharf District-scale protection and resiliency plan. Building off the Climate Ready Boston for Downtown, CRTF is charged with producing a workable vision for a district-wide barrier that is a baseline for planning and for property