John Cleveland serves as Strategic Advisor to the Boston Green Ribbon Commission (GRC), a network of business and civic leaders supporting the implementation of the City of Boston’s Climate Action Plan (CAP). John is also President and a co-founder of the Innovation Network for Communities, a nonprofit focused on social innovation and large-scale change – particularly in the ways that communities are responding to climate change – and reducing GHG emissions and strengthening resilience.
Prior to founding the Innovation Network for Communities, John served as Vice President of IRN, Inc., a market intelligence firm located in Grand Rapids, Michigan that provided strategic planning, market research, automotive forecasting and merger and acquisition due diligence to mid-sized manufacturing companies. Before IRN, John worked as a private consultant; as director of Continuous Improvement for Grand Rapids Community College; and as director of the State of Michigan’s industrial extension service.
John received a B.A. in City Planning from Yale University. He is the co-author of three books related to social impact and climate change: Life After Carbon – The Next Global Transformation of Cities, In Harm’s Way – How Communities Are Addressing Key Challenges of Building Climate Resilience, and Connect, Innovate, Scale Up – How Networks Create Systems Change.